姓名: 汪辉平
学历_学位: 博士
职称_职务: 教授
招生专业: 产业经济学/区域经济学
电子邮箱: 519636216@qq.com
1. 国家社科基金西部项目,城市化生态现代化水平的测度、空间关联网络及提升路径(23XTJ001),在研,主持人;2. 全国统计科学研究项目,碳达峰背景下城市碳排放预测及减排路径研究(22LY068),在研,主持人;3. 陕西省社科基金项目,基于灰色模型的陕西省碳排放总量及其结构预测研究(2021D062),在研,主持人;4. 陕西省软科学项目,灰色预测模型优化及其在陕西省碳排放预测中的应用(2022KRM079),已结,主持人;5. 陕西省软科学项目,企业家精神对陕西经济增长的空间溢出效应研究(2019KRM129),已结,主持人;6. 西安市软科学项目,西安市企业家精神与经济发展质量的时空耦合关系研究(2019111813RKX002SF006-6),已结,主持人;7. 国家社科基金项目,民生福祉视角下中国城市生态效率的测度、关联网络结构时空演化与协同提升路径(22XJ004),在研,第一参与人;8. 国家自然科学基金项目,整合阶段转换与层次交互的突破性技术创新形成机理(71972153),在研,第三参与人;9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,企业家精神的空间分布、空间溢出及其对区域经济增长的影响研究(71603202),在研,第一参与人;
1. Spatial correlation network of renewable energy consumption and its influencing factors: Evidence from 31 Chinese provinces. Renewable Energy 2023, 217, 119173 (SCI) 2. Spatial spillover effect of urban sprawl on total factor energy ecological efficiency: Evidence from 272 cities in China. Energy 2023, 273, 127217. (SCI)3. A grey breakpoint prediction model and its application in forecasting and policy evaluation. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2023,126, 106784. (SCI )4. Forecasting CO2 emissions using a novel fractional discrete grey Bernoulli model: A case of Shaanxi in China.Urban Climate 2023,49, 101452. (SCI )5. A spatial lagged multivariate discrete grey model for forecasting an economy-energy-environment system. Journal of Cleaner Production 2023, 404, 136922. (SCI )6. A novel grey model with fractional reverse accumulation for forecasting natural gas consumption. Computers & Industrial Engineering 2023,179, 109189. (SCI )7. Forecasting Chinese provincial carbon emissions using a novel grey prediction model considering spatial correlation. Expert Systems With Applications 2022,209, 118261.(SCI )8. A novel grey model with conformable fractional opposite-direction accumulation and its application. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2022, 108, 585-611.(SCI )9. Effects of environmental regulation on CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis of 282 cities in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 2022, 29, 259-272. (SSCI )10. Spatial association network of economic resilience and its infuencing factors: evidence from 31 Chinese provinces. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2023, 10, 290. (SSCI )11. Forecasting per capita energy consumption in china using a spatial discrete grey prediction model.Systems 2023, 11, 285. (SSCI )12. Characteristics of China’s digital economy network and its impact on carbon emissions Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023, 11,1243360. (SCI )13. Estimating CO2 emissions using a fractional grey Bernoulli modelwith time power term. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022,29, 47050-47069. (SCI )14. Forecasting CO2 emissions using a novel grey Bernoulli model: A Case of Shaanxi province in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022, 19, 4953. (SCI )15. Forecasting solar energy consumption using a fractional discrete grey model with time power term. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2022. (SCI )16. Examining the driving factors of industrial CO2 emissions in Chinese cities using geographically weighted regression model. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. 2021, 23,1873-1887. (SCI )17. Dual effects of environmental regulation on PM2.5 pollution:evidence from 280 cities in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28, 47213-47226. (SCI)18. Effects of technological innovation on energy efficiency in China:Evidence from dynamic panel of 284 cities. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 709, 136172. (SCI)19. Spatial heterogeneity of factors influencing transportation CO2 emissions in Chinese cities: based on geographically weighted regression model. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 2020, 13,977-989. (SCI)20. Spatial distribution patterns and influencing factors of PM2.5 pollution in the Yangtze River Delta: Empirical analysis based on a GWR model. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 2021,57,63-75. (SCI)21. 创新型企业家精神更有利于经济的长期增长吗? 南开经济研究, 2018 (4): 85-101. (CSSCI )22. 财政支出、空间溢出与区域创新, 经济问题探索, 2017(9):78-85. (CSSCI )23. FDI对中国农业全要素生产率的空间溢出效应. 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2017, 17(1):123-129. (CSSCI )24. 农村地区因病致贫情况分析与思考—基于西部9省市1214个因病致贫户的调查数据. 经济学家. 2016(10):72-81. (CSSCI )25. 知识资本、空间溢出与中国工业全要素生产率. 山西财经大学学报, 2016(5): 1-10. (CSSCI )